In 2004, a group of Latina immigrant women came together with a vision: to create a space where their community could not only survive but thrive. That vision became Centro de Apoyo Comunitario, an organization dedicated to fostering the strong sense of community in Delaware County, Pennsylvania, particularly within the immigrant population.
The goal is to empower individuals to assist their fellow community members. Through community-focused initiatives, the aim is to improve the well-being of immigrants by promoting leadership and growth within the community, both culturally and economically. Centro de Apoyo Comunitario creates a more integrated, progressive, and socially developed community for individuals and families.

Programs that Empower and Support
Layla de Luria serves as the executive director of Centro de Apoyo Comunitario, leading the organization with fearlessness and determination. Centro de Apoyo has a range of key programs aimed at supporting the diverse Latin American community. One of these programs is the Capacity Building Program, which provides education and resources to community members. This includes emotional support through a contracted therapist, as well as monthly meetings for progress updates and sharing experiences.
Additionally, Centro de Apoyo offers case management to help individuals access important resources such as medical and legal assistance. The organization also engages in advocacy and community education to promote awareness and understanding of our community. The advocacy efforts extend to working with systems that may not be effectively supporting community members, while also building relationships and providing emergency assistance when needed. Centro de Apoyo has made significant contributions to the Delaware County community.
Supporting the Community When It’s Needed Most
Throughout the pandemic, the organization provided vital aid to the immigrant population who were excluded from receiving stimulus checks. Their efforts during this time were truly commendable. The organization actively works to support marginalized communities who may not have access to social welfare programs like food stamps and cash assistance. They also provide assistance and advocacy for obtaining important amenities such as driver licenses. One of Centro de Apoyo’s main goals is to combat the negative stereotypes and anti-immigrant sentiment in the community. Unfortunately, funders and stakeholders often overlook the importance of this work, as they continue to perpetuate harmful narratives about the immigrant population. The organization strives to change the way people think about and perceive immigrants, challenging the traditional expectations and stereotypes.
A Cultural Approach to Service
With a unique service model, Centro de Apoyo focuses on mutual aid and addressing the specific needs of the immigrant community, rather than adhering to traditional methods. In doing so, the organization hopes to create a more inclusive and supportive community for all. Centro de Apoyo offers various volunteer opportunities for individuals to contribute to the community. These include collecting and organizing clothing and other goods for new arrivals, distributing menstrual products, and expanding the board of members. Additionally, the organization provides homework support for children in school and invites speakers on financial planning, healthcare, and legal matters. Looking ahead, Centro de Apoyo hopes to break down barriers caused by politics and language differences, as they do not impede progress and everyone is entitled to equal opportunities. For those seeking support, assistance, or more information, Centro de Apoyo is conveniently located at 2235 Garrett Road in Drexel Hill, PA 19026. They can be contacted via email at centroapoyocomunitario@yahoo.com or by phone at 610-740-4607. To learn more about their services and programs, please visit their website at https://www.centroapoyo.org.